One of most effective methods to integrate your blog and email marketing strategy is to create a monthly newsletter from your blog articles. For our client, Business Bank of Texas, many of their customers read the newsletter every month, click on multiple articles and reply directly back to their point of contact at the bank with feedback.
This program is built around the high quality content published in the Business Resource Center blog. Over 30 local experts write on a variety of topics important to business owners and executives. Articles cover business tips on accounting & finance, business operations, legal, management and sales & marketing. There are multiple ways to subscribe to the newsletter from the blog including a primary call to action at the end of each blog post.
Here’s a screen shot of the Business Resource Center blog.

The newsletter mirrors the format and always includes a Corner Office article from the CEO, Ed Lette, and also a spotlight on a featured contributor of the month. Rounding out the newsletter content is a an article from each of the business categories.
Snapshot of results:
Since originally launching the website in 2010, traffic for businessbankoftexas.com has grown from less than 500 visits per month to 7,800 visits per month. 3,500 visits are from organic traffic. The newsletter program has grown by 34% in past fiscal year, exceeds industry standard open rates and drives customer acquistion for the bank.
This program benefits the reader by providing a variety of informative articles geared to helping business owners run their businesses. The contributing authors benefit as it establishes their areas of professional expertise. Business Bank of Texas benefits by providing their prospects and customers with information they can use in their business and it keeps the bank in front of their customers.
Want to learn more about developing a content strategy for your business?